About me
Extra large corazon para mi gente.
What is your current career title or dream job?
Marketing, Social Networking
BS Sociology
Working on MBA
Organizations & clubs
Alliance for Early Childhood Education
Family Bridges
Governors Early Childhood Education Committee
United Way MC-Latino Committee
Little Village Community Center
Chicago School of Professional Psychology Advisory Board
What languages do you speak?
English, Spanish, sometimes both at the mismo tiempo.
Hobbies & interests
People, places, and cosas.
Reading, writing, and traveling
Photography, video and music
Dancing, dining and enjoying lots of music.
Strolling down the lake front and filling my toes with hot sand while a cool breeze passes accross my shirtless spine and waiting for another day to start over again.
Peace, amor y azucar!
Looking for:
Hey Reggie, how can I get involved in the Little Village community center? I work at Minuteman Press Chicago and just want to be informed and participate in the community.