About me
Well traveled. Travel to Mexico for business five
times a year.
What is your current career title or dream job?
SB in Statistics University of Chicago
SM in Finance MIT Sloan School of Management
What languages do you speak?
Spanish & English
Hobbies & interests
Sports of all types. Plays & live music performances.
Reason #6
A Wine Tasting offers you a chance to connect because your posting says
“Looking for: networking, friendships, dating, relationship, employment”
Fausto Zambrano
Catadores Wine Social & Spirits
luis & rich tinajero?? they're good people...
those two & i should be attending the eve of the eve party
at union station....should be nice....will you big celebrating
in big style new year's eve?? there's too much pressure at
time to live it up that night....we should all visit iberico together..
as in tomorrow...perhaps...suerte!!!!
gerry licea