gop (3)

8602370861?profile=originalMitt Romney's presidential campaign announced its first Spanish commercial on the same day that it proudly touted the endorsement by Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State and the brains behind all of the anti immigrant state laws that are so odious to most Latinos.

It does seem like a contradiction: one action is meant to attract and respect Latino voters, the other one is certain to bring condemnation from many if not most of them. However, for political experts, including a Republican consultant, there seems to be a logical explanation: Romney strategists may be considering a path to victory that does not require him to pursue a significant percentage of the Latino vote, not even what George W.Bush earned in 2000 or 2004, which was over 30% or closer to 40%, depending who you ask.

"Romney's strategy has its risks, but the reality is that he will not be seeking the Latino vote in the same way George W. Bush did" said David Johnson, a Republican consultant and CEO of Strategic Vision in Atlanta, who was a consultant to the Bob Dole campaign in 1996.

According to Johnson, the reason is that Romney will have enough trouble proving to the conservative Republican base that he is "one of them", and in such a position, he can not afford the messaging and the effort to try to broaden the base. That is left for candidates considered strong conservatives like Ronald Reagan, who attracted conservative democrats to his coalition or to George W. Bush, who at the time he ran was a favorite of the Republican base and therefore could work on expanding the reach to get a larger share of the Latino vote than the typical presidential candidate had gotten in the 1990´s.

Romney will have to try to appeal to moderates though, and he will move to do that in the general election, Johnson said.

"I believe he´ll keep a very hard line on immigration in order not scare the conservative base," said Johnson. "But he will seek moderates by emphasizing that he favors legal immigration, which does not mean much because it is something that everyone favors. And that makes him look moderate."
The Republican potential nominee´s road to victory then, will most likely not include the states of Colorado, New Mexico or Nevada. Not even Arizona, which this year is considered in play and a possible win for the Democrats. These are states that by their demographic and according to all polls favor Obama. Romney will seek to talke states in the "rust belt" of the country like Michigan and Ohio, where many white blue collar voters supported the Democrat in 2008 amid a severe economic crisis. READ MORE

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The Republicans are committing political suicide by catering to the xenophobic vote. Assuming that Latinos will vote for the candidate promising the most free taxpayer money shows how out-of-touch the mainstream media and a lot of American politicians from both parties are with voters in the Hispanic community.

If the Republicans would talk about social issues and economic issues and drop the endless ranting about immigration I would almost guarantee they'd receive 60+ percent of votes from Latinos. That said, those advising them apparently don't get it because the message remains more of the same, and those GOP candidates and office-holders who do attempt to be the voice of reason are lambasted by conservatives in the media for being too lax on immigration.

The Democrats appeal is that they don't care about the immigration issue and don't come across as xenophobic --- at least not on the surface. Not that I'm in the country illegally. I was born in America. My father and maternal grandfather were not, but both are now citizens.

I know I for one am not the least bit motivated by the idea that I might get some money that someone else earned. I wouldn't even take it if they tried to give it to me. If I cannot earn it, I do not deserve it.

All that said, I find the Democrats' contention that Latinos are somehow too stupid to get a driver's license or some other form of photo ID to be both racist and extremely offensive.

So how will I vote in the upcoming Presidential election and the congressional races slated for the ballot in November? I've not yet decided, and may or may not reveal the decision publicly when I do arrive at a conclusion.

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According to a 3-year time series analysis of the Latino Policy Coalition's (LPC) nationwide polls (conducted in April 2006, Sept. 2006 and July 2009), Democrats have increased their ratings on top Latino priority issues like healthcare reform,immigration reform and jobs and the economy. "This data shows that Congressional Democrats continue to achieve strong credibility with Latino voters," said LPC Chair Jim Gonzalez. On healthcare reform: Democrats in Congress hold a 45-point advantage over Congressional Republicans (60% Democrats, 15% Republicans) when it comes to health care and prescription drugs. The gap between Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans has only grown wider since April 2006 when Democrats had a 43-point advantage (Democrats 61%, Republicans 18%). READ FULL STORY
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