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Be What Others Are Afraid to Be


Working on you is not an easy task, you first have to admit you need to improve and find those areas where improvement is needed. You will have to go into an uncomfortable zone where you will have to evaluate your mistakes and their root, if you dig deep you will find out the root is your mindset, that information you have programmed in your subconscious mind.

It is at this moment, where the hard work starts, you will have to unlearn so many things and replace them with new disciplines and believes, this is very uncomfortable and not easy. This is where most will quit, they will be afraid of change and the unknown, they will let the little voice in their head convince them of not being worth it, it will make them believe they can't do it, or the pain of doing it for a long time will not pay off.

Many will get discourage reading this message, but those who are determined to step up and BE all they can BE, will take it as an inspiration and reason to do it, to work on them and become a better version of themselves, which is what others are afraid of becoming.

But not you, you want change, you want to make a difference, you want to challenge the norm, you want to BE the person you have always known you can be, but didn't have the courage to become before. Take the first step, it will not be easy, but my friend I guarantee you it will be worth it.

BE what others are afraid to BE!!

Have a great day

-Temo Xopin

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ezDinero es un servicio nuevo que puede darle un prestamo rápid con una aplicación online muy fácil. Tiene los más bajos intereses en el mercado. Es una de las pocas y reputables paginas de internet que puede ayudar a conectar a los clientes primerizos con expertos en préstamos personales. El equipo está entrenado para explicarle que tipos de préstamos ofrece, también los términos y las condiciones del préstamo. Así usted nunca se sentirá desorientado.

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This past week Cinco de Mayo was celebrated. At the same time, a federal commission has sent a proposal to the president and Congress to establish a national museum devoted to American Latino history and culture. The museum would be built next to the Capitol as part of the Smithsonian Institution. The Associated Press reported that the Latino museum would join the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian and another planned to open in four years, the National Museum of African-American History and Culture. I support building this Latino museum.

Henry Munoz III, chairman of the presidential commission that recommended the construction of a Latino museum, wrote that there must be “a living monument that recognizes that Latinos were here well before 1776 and that in this century, the future is increasingly Latino, more than 50 million people and growing.” READ MORE
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