Leveraging and harnessing different ideas, perspectives and experiences from a talented and capable workforce regardless of their organizational position and background drives effectiveness in organizations, argues Shaheen Akram, an organisational D&I consultant. Several more people have noted why diversity and inclusion matters to reach business objectives and be seen as a social responsible organization. READ MORE AT INFOQ
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Hispanics are often noted for their heavy digital activity, mainly due to high smartphone engagement, but this characteristic isn’t as straightforward as it seems.
As explored in a new eMarketer report, “US Hispanics 2016: Who They Are, What They’re Doing on Digital and Ad Spending to Reach Them,” US Hispanics are actually a less-than-average digital bunch. eMarketer estimates 82.0% of the US population will access the internet regularly in 2016, but that figure will reach 76.5% for US Hispanics. READ MORE AT EMARKETER
Over 40 and looking for a career change?
It’s not easy, especially when you are competing against fresh graduates with the latest tech skills, abundant energy and willingness to work for less.
Chris Ball, chief executive at The Age and Employment Network, London, England, says, “You really do have to be ready for anything in job interviews — you can always encounter ageism.”
But, there are ways of crossing that hurdle. No challenge is insurmountable with the right attitude and skills. READ MORE AT THE TIMES NWI
As the founder of the Adelante Movement and the former president of entertainment for Telemundo, Cuban-American Nely Galán, has traveled the country many times coaching Latinas through their entrepreneurial goals and challenges, and helping us kick-start our dreams. Her mantra? Choose Yourself.
Over the past year and a half, she’s compiled her wisdom into a new book, a website and an app.
Show Kayla Rodriguez a jar of honey, and she will tell you it’s medicine.
Against the odds is one way to describe the young, Latina entrepreneur in the predominantly white, male-dominated, global biotech industry. Kayla Rodriguez, a 28-year old of Puerto Rican descent, co-founded SweetBio, a start-up biotech company that uses honey to heal the body.
Rodriguez started the Memphis-based company with her brother Isaac, 31, who holds a Ph.D. and is CEO and chief scientific officer. READ MORE AT URBAN NEWS SERVICE
While networking can occasionally seem daunting, it can help further your career. Event schedules are usually busy so it’s best to approach conferences with a plan and keep a few things in mind throughout.
1. Plan your meetings
Identify the people you’d like to meet before you arrive by looking through the speaker roster. Social media can also be a helpful tool to identify the influencers with whom you’d like to connect; look for the event hashtag and see who is leading the conversation online.
The truth is, most of the other attendees are also looking for networking opportunities, so don’t be shy. READ MORE AT THE MANDARIN
There are more than 800,000 Latina-owned businesses in the United States, and they represent the fastest-growing segment of small business owners. Yet many Latina business owners and would-be entrepreneurs are unaware of the many programs and services available to help them launch and successfully continue their business endeavors.
That is why the U.S. Small Business Administration and Latina media mogul and entrepreneur Nely Galán are joining forces and signing a first-ever agreement to help start, maintain, and expand Latina-owned businesses. The partnership will include providing information, training, and resources for aspiring Latina entrepreneurs. READ MORE AT NBC NEWS
Hispanic American consumers account for $27.9 billion in registered new vehicle transactions, representing 11% of the total market, and annually, the Hispanic population in the United States grows by about one million people.
That’s according to Viant, a Time Inc. technology company, which commissioned Millward Brown Digital to survey 1,027 respondents for its 2016 Hispanic American Auto Buyers Report.
The survey was available in both English and Spanish and invited respondents to self-identify their ethnicity. In total, 511 respondents identified as Hispanic (completing the survey roughly equally in English and Spanish), and 516 were non-Hispanics. All differences highlighted in these results are statistically significant to a confidence level of at least 90%. READ MORE AT MEDIAPOST
Redd’s Gives Away $25 Gift Cards to Chicago-area Teachers
WHAT: To celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, Redd’s Apple Ale will give away free $25 gift cards to Chicago-area teachers.
Teachers with a valid school ID can visit the Redd’s team at the select locations listed below on June 21st and June 23rd to pick up their $25 Redd’s Teacher Appreciation gift card. Gift cards are limited to one per person, while supplies last, and must be collected within the designated hours for the event.
WHO: Teachers or Faculty 21 and older with a valid school ID card.
Tuesday, June 21
4-7 p.m
Binny’s Beverage Depot
1720 N Marcey St, Chicago, IL 60614
Tuesday, June 21
4-7 p.m.
Thursday, June 23
4-7 p.m.
Buffalo Wild Wings
513 W Taylor St, Chicago, IL 60607
CONTACT: Kylie Burness, Olson PR
Cell: 614.561.6483
E-mail: kburness@olson.com
Todos escuchamos que hay que hacer networking porque es algo bueno. Las redes de contactos que vamos formando a lo largo de la vida pasan a ser uno de nuestros activos más valiosos. Todos necesitamos de los demás: inversores, clientes, usuarios, mentores, proveedores, etc.. Qué mejor que recurrir a nuestros propios contactos ?
A los que estamos en el mundo empresarial o profesional, nos llegan invitaciones para eventos de networking todo el tiempo.
La realidad nos muestra que hay gente que naturalmente disfruta ir a uno de estos eventos y hablar con mucha gente, y hay personas (cada vez descubro que somos más) para las que "hacer networking" no es algo natural y sin esfuerzo. Para ellas va este post. READ MORE AT AMERICA ECONOMIA
Latinos who view their financial situation as "excellent" or "good" have doubled since the Great Recession, according to a new Pew Research Center study.
The nonpartisan group found eight-in-ten Hispanic adults expect their finances to be straightened out within the next year, up from 67 percent in 2008 and about 20 percentage-points higher than Americans overall. Optimism grew over the last eight years, but most of the U.S. population didn't feel a significant difference; just 43 percent hold similarly positive views, compared to 41 percent then. READ MORE AT LATIN POST
Creator and star of the Broadway smash hit “Hamilton,” Lin-Manuel Miranda announced he was leaving the show on July 9 to work on a number of projects.
Aparently, one of the hottest items on Miranda’s agenda involves voters choosing the next President of the United States. The Pulitzer Prize winner plans to take some time to encourage Latinos to take active part in the elections by voting. “Our issues are on the table, from Puerto Rico to a wall to keep half of us out being a party platform,” Miranda said. “It’s important that we get out and vote.” READ MORE AT LATIN TIMES
In 2015, the percentage of new Hispanic directors on company boards was sharply lower than the increasing number of Hispanics in the general population. The percentage of new female directors essentially plateaued, rising only slightly, and new board members of Asian descent also dipped. African-Americans saw their ratios rise just one percentage point.
The likely culprit, according to a new report by executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles? Boards, concerned about economic conditions, turned to the highest percentage of current and former chief executives and chief financial officers to fill board seats seen since it began tracking the figures in 2009. And because so few women and minorities currently or formerly held those jobs -- there are just 24 women leading S&P 500 companies, for instance -- the diversity problem becomes self-reinforcing. READ MORE AT DELEWARE ONLINE
In 2011 the Culturati U.S. Hispanic Segmentation Model proved that acculturation is non-linear and the start/end points are not definitive. However, along with its eminent growth, the U.S. Hispanic population continues to evolve and defend its core values. Therefore, it is imperative for marketers to be one step ahead of this evolution to ensure that their U.S. Hispanic strategy is reflective of today's Hispanic consumer.
To help marketers stay ahead of these changes, Culturati conducted a longitudinal study that presents the why's behind the shifts that have shaped this market in the past two years and that will continue to form this population in the years to come.
The results are aligned with 2011 predictions. The study confirmed that U.S. Hispanic identity is multidimensional. It does not follow a linear path and it is shaped by a continuous transformation where profound shifts in cultural identity occur as Hispanics forward or retro acculturate. READ MORE AT PR NEWSWIRE
As flavor trends shift from the mass market to a focus on regional flavors, product developers are inundated with options, particularly from such regions within Mexico, Latin America, Cuba and even some parts of the Caribbean. The flavors may range from spicy to sweet and offer a full range of options to differentiate products on store shelves and in new menu items and to drive growth in a wide variety of product categories.
“Today’s consumers crave new taste experiences and that’s driving growth for more cheese variety,”. READ MORE AT FOOD BUSINESS NETWORK
Diversity, or lack thereof, has long plagued Silicon Valley. It is no secret that African Americans, Hispanics and women have typically been underrepresented in the open offices of the Valley’s most notable tech giants.
Tackling this challenge has not been easy, and in many cases marked by missteps. Twitter’s failed attempts at outreach have been well documented in the press. Other tech giants like Google and Facebook have been transparent about their challenges and even their numbers, but still struggle to make significant headway. READ MORE AT FOX BUSINESS NEWS
Networking… many people see it as a necessary evil in the business world, and for some it can be difficult to master. Networking connects people with one another, sparking new ideas, forging new partnerships, and making an event worth attending. Sounds great, however, the problem with networking is that it can be, well, awkward. If you’ve ever turned up to a gathering as a “newbie” or first timer, you’ll know the feeling of hovering by the doorway, not knowing who to approach or where to begin. READ MORE AT SUNDAY BUSINESS POST
Just like that, the year is already halfway over.
Instead of trying to figure out how it's already June, let's face the facts: In January you probably decided this was – check that, is – your year to make a significant change in your career – whether it's a leap to the next level or boost in your income. Yet here you find yourself midyear, still toiling away in the same position, barely tolerating things like a toxic environment, boring projects and stagnant pay.
It may feel tempting to postpone your job search endeavors until Labor Day because you think there are less open positions in the summer, but that will likely become Thanksgiving, then the December holidays and before you know it, another new year. Don't let this be you! READ MORE AT U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT
What an interesting time to be Hispanic in the U.S. While I certainly believe that the best is yet to come for Latinos in this country, I'm candidly not always sure whether we are living in the best of times, or the worst of times, for people with names like mine.
On the one hand, we can be proud to hail from the same group as Salma Hayek, Sonia Sotomayor, Oscar de la Renta, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Sammy Sosa, Oscar Muñoz, Oscar de la Hoya, Marco Rubio and so many more whose names are synonymous with success in the world of art, government, business, sports and more.
Being a Latino also means being part of the demographic group that everyone is talking about, watching and marketing to. And no wonder. We are economically powerful, and that power is growing. There are more than four million Hispanic-owned businesses in America, with more than $660 billion in combined annual revenue. READ MORE AT THE HILL
Many tech start-ups are in the business of making themselves successful. But some entrepreneurs have set up businesses with the express mission of training others to be successful in the tech sector.
Several of those start-ups have dedicated themselves to creating programs, incubators or accelerators to train blacks and Hispanics for tech jobs.
Their efforts are coming at a time when Silicon Valley has increasingly been scrutinized for its lack of diversity. But instead of leaving it to the tech giants to solve the problem alone, some see their own connections as a way to address the issue. READ MORE AT THE NEW YORK TIMES