Jen Diaz left a comment for Grisell Roche
"Hi Hon, it's Emily....Just wanted to invite you to Tumbao next Friday, April 3rd. My Dad is coming back from Florida and it would kinda of be like a welcome home party. Hope you can make, would love to see you and I'm sure my Dad will too! Invite…"
Mar 28, 2009
Jen Diaz left a comment for Grisell Roche
"Hi Grisell! This is Emily, Edgar and Nellie's daughter. It's been a while since I've seen you. Last time we saw each other was at Rumba, couple years back. Hope all is well, please stay in contact."
Jan 22, 2009
Jen Diaz left a comment for Robert Ramos
"Hola Robert it's Emily from Focal. Hope all is well with you and your family. Let's stay in contact."
Jan 21, 2009