About me
Israel Vargas is the Executive Director for Holsten Human Capital Development in Chicago. As the former Director of Community Engagement and Government Relations for Roosevelt University in Chicago. At Roosevelt he is charged the implementation of strategic enrollment plan with a focus in recruiting, increase Roosevelt’s visibility, and advance Roosevelt’s identity among diverse communities.
Israel began his career in social services with Parents United for Responsible Education in 2002. He soon joined the Proviso Leyden Counsel for Community Action (PLCCA) as a bilingual housing counselor, where he also facilitated the Strengthening Families program at night. In 2006 he was promoted to program coordinator for employment training and placement. Later he moved on to become supportive services manager at Inspiration Corporation, a social service career trainee with the Illinois Department of Human Services, and then a community organizer with The Resurrection Project, where he organized citizenship workshops and assisted with citizenship applications while also coordinating the Resurrection basketball league as a gang and violence prevention program. Prior to joining his Alma Mater, Israel Vargas was the executive director of San Jose Obrero Mission (SJOM) in Chicago’s Pilsen and Little Village neighborhoods. At SJOM he was responsible for the overall management and day-to-day operations of two facilities and 20 staff. Since he joined SJOM in 2008, he has nearly tripled its budget, diversified its programming to create better outcomes for participants, and increased its capacity to serve women and children.
Israel served on the board for the Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness and Vice-Chair for the Council on Latino Homelessness. Israel’s passion for helping others has led him to speak against violence and to advocate for higher education at schools, churches, and community events throughout Chicago. He has participated in Ceasefire marches in Cicero and has received an Award of Excellence by the Office of the Cook County Treasure Maria Pappas and Recognition by the Chicago Commission on Human Relations Advisory Council on Immigrants and Refugees.
Israel holds a Master of Arts in Training and Development (2008) and a Bachelor of Psychology (2005), both from Roosevelt University and is the Co-Author of "Your Personal GPS - Roadblocks and Challenges to Success"
What is your current career title or dream job?
Executive Director - Holsten Human Capital Development
Master of Arts in Training and Development
What languages do you speak?
English and Spanish
Hobbies & interests
Music, Drawing, Writing poetry, Calligraphy, Playing Congas, Nature Walks, Travel
Mis queridos amigos: es muy grato poder invitarlos a compartir la importancia del conocimiento de lo que tenemos cada uno dentro de nosotros, entre lo físico y lo biológico para captar la naturaleza científica de nuestra espiritualidad, tal como lo expresa el científico Bruce Lipton, y/o la importancia de la conexión que podemos lograr desde nuestra mente y corazón (espíritu) hasta nuestro cuerpo para convertir cualquier enfermedad en total salud y feliz satisfacción en nuestra vida, tal como lo expresa y lo vivió el Dr. Joe Dispenza.
Con base en las enseñanzas de estos mundialmente reconocidos profesionales encontramos igualmente nueve (9) reconocidos neurocientíficos, psicólogos latinoamericanos que estarán presentes en el EXPO-CONGRESO HISPANO CIENCIA Y ESPIRITUALIDAD - ECHCE, ellos son: Arturo Nava, Dra. Silvia Casabianca, Luis Villamizar, Magda Guadarrama, Andrés Ramirez Ordoñez, Joanna Acevedo, Carlos Piña, Dr. Angel Sanchez y la Dra Mavelynne Orozco Urdaneta, quienes con sus conferencias nos llevarán a entender la inmensa fortaleza natural que llevamos dentro y como sacarla a flote para lograr nuestra salud y felicidad natural, real, auténtica y consistente y entrar a un siguiente nivel de nuestras vidas.
Y tengo que agregarles que este enfoque maravilloso para nuestras vidas va dirigido también a los menores de 10 años en adelante, especialmente aquellos que han sido abandonados por sus padres y que necesitan saber cómo orientar desde su corazón sus vidas. Niños y niñas a quienes estamos invitando. Y aquellos que no puedan asistir les haremos llegar estas valiosas conferencias.
Los esperamos a todos!
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Nancy Pulecio Vélez
Fundadora y Directora
Fundación Social Ciencia y Espiritualidad
Para cualquier tipo de donación, pueden visitar PAYPAL /Fundación Social Ciencia y Espiritualidad, o llamarnos directamente 312 933-7001 para obtener el número 501C3 y con él la excepcion de impuestos.
Mil gracias a todos!!!