About me
Looking and working hard to win in the General Elections of November 2010. God willing, I will be the first Hispanic Commissioner. Lake County Board, District 15. Libertyville, Mundelein, Vernon Hills.
What is your current career title or dream job?
Looking to win on 11/2/10 elections and a be Commissioner. Lake County Board, District 15. Libertyville, Mundelein, Vernon Hills
Agricultural Engineering degree from University of Chapingo, Mexico. MS from University of Hawaii, in Horticulture. Manoa Campus in Honolulu, HI
What languages do you speak?
English, Spanish
Hobbies & interests
Basketball and political activities at local, state and national level
Looking for:
networking, friendships
Reason #6
A Wine Tasting offers you a chance to connect because your posting says
“Looking for: networking, friendships, dating, relationship, employment”
Fausto Zambrano
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