About me
I have worked in the Latino community my whole professional life and am committed to continuing that work.
What is your current career title or dream job?
Executive Director
Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education
Masters Degree in Social Work
Bachelors Degree in Social Work and Criminal Justice
Over 10 years in the non profit social service field
Organizations & clubs
Member of the Chicago Coalition for Site Administered Child Care Programs, the Illinois Learning Council, Early Childhood working group of the Latinos Policy Forum, The McCormick Early Childhood Policy Fellows, IDHS Child Care Advisory Council, and Bank of America Neighborhood Excellence Initiatve Emerging Leaders
Hobbies & interests
Teaching ballet to girls in the Humboldt Park community through New Life Covenant Church
Reason #4
A Wine Tasting is a great occasion for new business owners & consultants to let your friends & people in your socialite circle that “You are in & open for business!!”
Fausto Zambrano
Catadores Wine Social & Spirits