Wise Latinas Spike Illegal Alien Costumes at Target

Like me, you might have wondered what all the rest of America's wise Latinas have been up to now that Justice Sotomayor has assumed her position on the U.S. Supreme Court. Well it seems that the Facebook site, "Wise Latinas Linked" is organizing busybodies to subtract every last trace of whimsy from Halloween celebrations this year. Apparently the discount retailer Target was offering a space alien costume for this Halloween season featuring a Star Wars creature look-alike in an orange jumpsuit with the words "Illegal Alien" printed on the chest. It was offered complete with a generic "Green Card." Perhaps the Wise Latinas believe that Mexican-Americans should have a monopoly on the concept of "Illegal Aliens." Target issued the clumsiest and most transparent of apologies in announcing it was withdrawing the costume from its website. READ FULL STORY
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  • ...things like this make me want to step back and decide whether to continue supporting Target and other companies selling crap like this...
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