Hispanics are more optimistic about their financial futures than other consumers segments. As multicultural marketing expert Isaac Mizrahi shares in Forbes, in the next 12 months…
• 9 percent of Hispanics are planning to buy a house, compared to 6 percent of non-Hispanics. This means Hispanics, who represent about 18 percent of the U.S. population, may represent 22 percent of all new home buyers in the next year.
• 14 percent of Hispanics are planning to buy a new car, compared to 11 percent of non-Hispanics.
• 11 percent of Hispanics plan to switch jobs, compared to 8 percent of non-Hispanics.
More than 3 percent of Hispanics plan to make their first financial investment ever, compared to 1.5 percent of non-Hispanics. Hispanics may represent almost a third of all new investors in the market in the next 12 months. READ MORE AT CUINSIGHT