Startup (8)

Crucial steps when starting a new business


Starting a new business is like embarking on a thrilling adventure—filled with opportunities, challenges, and the promise of success. But the path to entrepreneurial triumph is not always clear, and taking the wrong steps early on can derail even the most promising ventures. That’s why it’s crucial to have a solid foundation before you dive in. We’ve tapped into the expertise of top CEOs and founders who have been through the highs and lows of starting a business, and they’ve shared their invaluable insights. READ MORE AT THE PERSONAL BRANDING BLOG

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About 7.1% of the nation’s 5,681,118 employer firms (businesses with at least one paid employee) in the United States were Hispanic-owned in 2021 and the construction sector had the largest number of Hispanic-owned businesses, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Hispanic-owned firms generated $572.9 billion in revenue, around 3.3% of the total revenue ($17.4 trillion) generated by all employer businesses in 2021.

California had the largest number of Hispanic-owned firms (88,920), but not the largest share (about 11.8%) of that state’s 750,821 employer firms. Around 18.1%, or 85,966 of Florida’s 473,751 firms and about 14.6% or 63,560 of Texas’ 436,808 firms were Hispanic-owned. READ MORE AT US CENSUS BUREAU

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Latino-owned businesses are the fastest-growing segment of small businesses in the U.S., with over 5 million businesses owned by Latino/a entrepreneurs in the country, according to the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative (SLEI). Though Latino business owners have solidified their role as strong contributors to American economic activity, they face a string of unique challenges compared to white, non-Latino business owners. READ MORE AT NBC NEWS

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What it takes to be an Entrepreneur


Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. And not everyone can be an entrepreneur. Many people aren’t in a situation that allows them towork 80 hours a week with no guaranteed income. Entrepreneurs are willing to work harder than most people. They know it’s a marathon, not a sprint. What are the qualities that it takes to be an entrepreneur? READ MORE AT MS. CAREER GIRL

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Intentional Ways to Connect With Clients


The holiday season is upon us and, amid the juggle of gatherings with family and friends, it’s always good to reach out to clients as well. Showing gratitude to your clients during the holidays is a great way to keep connections strong.

Many real estate leaders across the country express their appreciation through cards, gifts and events for their agents, clients, neighbors and communities. They spread joy through their gestures large and small and provide community support where they can.

Here are what some brokers and brokerages are doing to reach out this holiday season. READ MORE AT NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS

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Over the last decade and a half, Latinos have created companies faster than all other demographic groups in the U.S. These companies are younger and consequently smaller than the average business. However, when compared to white-owned businesses, they grow revenues and create jobs at faster rates for all Americans, not just Latinos. If U.S. Latinos were a country, it would be the fifth largest GDP in the world, growing faster than the U.S. economy. READ MORE AT STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

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Startups with a Latino founder received just 2.1% of the nation’s venture capital in 2021, according to LatinxVC, a nonprofit focused on increasing venture capital investment. Accelerators for Hispanic entrepreneurs can provide opportunities to connect with other business leaders, investors and industry experts. READ MORE AT TAMPA BAY TIMES

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Latinos are launching businesses at an unprecedented pace, but barriers — some long-standing, some brand new — keep them from reaching their potential.

The number of Latino business owners has surged by 34 percent over the past decade, outpacing that of any other ethnic group. Yet despite that entrepreneurial vigor, Latino business owners face ongoing challenges, as their companies tend to remain smaller and less profitable than white-owned businesses. READ MORE AT STANFORD BUSINESS

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