Who were the ten richest Latin Americans in 2024


In 2024, two of the three richest people in Latin America were Mexicans. The leader of the rank was the Mexican business magnate Carlos Slim, the 14th richest person in the world. Slim had a fortune of 102 billion U.S. dollars, derived from his multiple businesses and investments. At third place was a fellow Mexican businessman, German Larrea, with a fortune of nearly 27.3 billion dollars.

Within each country's economy, there exists a relatively small segment of wealthier individuals who contribute significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of their respective countries. READ MORE AT STATISTA

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Job Position

Hi Dear All

I'm Marcio Dupont,  industrial designer with a Mexican-Brazilian citizenship.

I'm in Chicago for a couple of months and looking for a permanent job position in the field of design as designer - sustainable design expert  and / or academic. 

Please visit my linkedin at: and let me know of any possible opportunity.


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Multicultural Job Position

Dear All:

I'm Marcio Dupont, brazilian-mexican citizen currently looking for a job position in the United States.

If your company needs a multicultural industrial designer, expert in design and development of new products, innovation, sustainability, sustainable products-services and also fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish, with total understanding of the hispanic-latin american markets, you can contact me at:

and visit my Linkedin profile.

Currently living in Chicago.

Thank you!

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