The nation's rapidly growing Latino population is one of the most powerful forces working in President Barack Obama's favor in many of the states that will determine his contest with Mitt Romney. But Latinos are not registering or voting in numbers that fully reflect their potential strength, leaving Hispanic leaders frustrated and Democrats worried as they increase efforts to rally Latino support.
Interviews with Latino voters across the country suggested a range of reasons for what has become, over a decade, an entrenched pattern of nonparticipation, ranging from a distrust of government to a fear of what many see as an intimidating effort by law enforcement and political leaders to crack down on immigrants, legal or not.
In Denver, Ben Monterosso, the executive director of Mi Familia Vota, or My Family Votes -- a national group that helps Latinos become citizens and register to vote -- gathered organizers around a table in his office and recited census data demonstrating the lack of Latino participation.
"Our potential at the ballot box is not being maximized," Mr. Monterosso told them. "The untapped potential is there." READ MORE