According to the Center for Disease Control, one in eight kidney patients are Latino and are at risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Victor Valle, 44, has to check his blood glucose levels several times a day.
Not only that, he's at the mercy of taking more than a dozen medications to control his Type 2 diabetes.
His vision is one of many things he's losing, now that his diabetes has damaged his kidneys.
Dr. James Cevallos says Latinos are not only more prone to developing Type 2 diabetes but according to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 8 kidney failure patients, are Latino.
He also says elevated sugars caused by diabetes damage the kidney's filtering system.
"Many people who have diabetes will not even have symptoms of kidney disease until it's too late," said Cevallos. "When it's too late the only options are kidney transplants or dialysis." READ MORE