These words can hang in the air for a bit longer than anything else you planned to hear in a phone call from your boss or at an impromptu meeting for you and several other employees in a conference room. Some companies still give out pink slips in your last pay check. Sometimes it can all be said by email, but it’s basically the same message: you have joined the ranks of the unemployed.
Layoffs continue to happen despite the economic indicators pointing to better days ahead. If you’ve just recently been laid off, it can stir up a range of emotions — shock, fear, anger, and resentment.
It is normal to ride a roller coaster of emotions like these and to even experience depression. Among Latinas and Latinos, there is no such thing as seeing a layoff as just a business decision. Business is personal.
Even if you were laid off with hundreds of people, Latinas are likely to look for personal reasons behind a layoff. Don’t! READ MORE