Whenever you get around to making up your bucket list of things you really want to do before you die, searching for a job isn't going to make it into consideration. While a great many people enjoy their jobs and find it meaningful, virtually no one likes looking for work. It is almost always simply a pain in the you-know-where!
The reality is that there are several pain points in a job search. And while recognizing what they are won't in and of itself cure them, it will be able to help you to put your current situation into a larger perspective and begin the process of turning them into opportunities for your ongoing career development.
1. The pain of realizing it's time to begin a job search. This is an uncomfortable moment, whether it comes after receiving that proverbial pink slip or after you reach your own conclusion that it's time to move on. You recognize that you no longer fit into a role that you once saw as promising. READ MORE AT U.S. WORLD & NEWS REPORT