Have you ever dreamed of going to college, but could not afford the tuition? Maybe you know someone who has held this dream in their heart! Check this out!
Deadline is Thursday, August 15, 2019! This is an unbelievable opportunity for someone who has always dreamed of a college education, but could not afford it!
“The Odyssey Project is a free, 32-week, college-credit granting humanities program for income-eligible adults with limited to no access to a college education.” Students accepted into the program will explore five different subject areas: Literature, Philosophy, Art History, U.S. History, and Critical Thinking & Writing.
As a student, you will learn from a host of local professors, study with, “like-minded” adults in a very comfortable and supportive environment. After completion of the course, you will have earned six (6) transferable college credits from Bard College.
Qualifications for the Odyssey Project program are listed below:
“You are 18 years of age or older. You are income eligible living at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. You can commit to doing the assignments and completing the course. You can read a newspaper in English. You do not currently have a four-year college degree (B.A.).