If you spend all of your time at work daydreaming about leaving for greener pastures, it might be time for a career change. A widely reported figure places the number of career changes for the average employee at seven. This figure might be something of an urban legend, since the Bureau of Labor Statistics has no way of tracking career changes, but the average Millennial is currently only staying at any given job for an average of 4.4 years.
If you’re itching for a change of scenery, it’s good to know you’re not alone. A recent poll by Harris Interactive found only 13 percent of responders considered their current position a perfect fit. More than half of those polled dreamed of leaving their current career and forging new paths.
Of course, if career changes were easy, everyone (or at least half of us) would be switching industries. Making a big change isn’t impossible, but there are certainly big pitfalls waiting along the way. Here are some common career-change mistakes to avoid to smooth your transition... READ MORE