Ask for informational interviews
You have likely heard this phrase multiple times: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” (In other words, successful people network.) This is great advice for someone with years of experience, but what do you do if you are just entering the working world? Luckily, networking may be easier than you think:
1. Focus your efforts—but not too narrowly
What career field do you hope to enter? Are you searching for a job, an internship, or information only?
As you build your network, think of your intentions as seeds that you are planting—if you plant enough seeds, some will surely take root and grow. One contact may not be able to help you directly, but he or she may know someone who can, or that person may mention you to his or her own network. This is the power of networking. You may only know 20 people, but if each of those people knows 20 contacts in turn, you can now reach 400 individuals. READ MORE AT TIME