
When many of us think of starting a business, we think of a long road ahead, a lot of sacrifice, and of course – the burning question – how to secure access to capital.

Every start up business requires seed money – some more than others. Interestingly enough, leveraging digital media to start an online business may be more affordable than one may think and I’m pleased to see that Latinas are jumping onboard this bandwagon early.

We already have several examples of Latina entrepreneurs that are really making a difference with their online businesses. Marie Forleo probably knows this better than anyone as a Latina businesswoman dedicated to helping other Latinas start online businesses through her digital platform Rich, Happy and Hot B-School. According to Forleo: “In a few short years, I’ve been able to build a multimillion dollar business that reaches women in 188 countries all around the world with nothing more than a laptop, a dream, and a desire to make a difference.” Through her online business, Forleo offers a “6 Pillar Map” program that seeks to help women worldwide build a digital media brand and successful online business. READ MORE

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