Happy Labor Day Weekend 2022!

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Happy beginning of September to you! I am in Milwaukee Wisconsin finalizing details for the HispanicPro Milwaukee Diversity in Tech Forum to be held on Wednesday, October 26 ( I got the date wrong on the video, oops!) This was a very successful event in Chicago and we are answering the demand by corporations for programming to discuss issues and trends in tech while providing a platform to recruit BIPOC workforce talent.

Check out pictures of the HispanicPro Chicago Diversity in Tech Forum & Diversity Employer Showcase here: https://www.hispanicpro.com/chicago-diversity-tech-forum?sort=newestPosts

If you or your employer would like to participate as a subject matter export or a corporate partner recruiting on-site for the Milwaukee Diversity in Tech Forum, please reach out to us here: https://dnt4jy7arhu.typeform.com/to/j11DSDF6

I also provide additional details of our upcoming Hispanic Heritage Month programming. HispanicPro is the only Latino network providing nation-wide Hispanic Heritage Month events creating awareness of our culture, shining light on Latino leaders across the country and providing opportunities to market to and recruit Hispanic talent.

If you wish to learn more, please reach out to us here: https://dnt4jy7arhu.typeform.com/to/j11DSDF6

I want to wish you and yours a safe and relaxing Labor Day Weekend.


#milwaukeebuck #Diversity #tech #jobs #careers #recruitment #Hispanicheritagemonth #culture #Chicago #Miami #Losangeles

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