2021 Summer Update!

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Good afternoon. 

It's been a busy summer! In today's video I do a recap of our two virtual events in July and talk about our August and September in-person events. 

A quick highlight from July, the Women Who Lead in DEI Virtual Networking Event had 103 participants that completed all 15 one-on-one sessions. Which means, 1,545 connections were made that afternoon! We are planning our fall and winter calendar and excited for the programming happening currently in Q3 and what's in store for Q4.

* 2021 Summer Networking Soiree is one week away: https://bit.ly/2021networkingsummer

* 12th Annual Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-off Celebration, Wednesday September 15: https://bit.ly/2021hhmkickoff


As always thank you for your continued support. We look forward to connecting with you soon virtually and in-person!



Alfonso Barrera
HispanicPro Network

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